Public School Sponsorship Program
Help us make the outdoors fun again!
As a growing number of children spend more and more time indoors, glued to their devices. Our society is losing the next generation of environmentalist's!
Earthquest is starting a brand new outreach program to local schools in the Central Virginia area, and We Need Your Help!

Saving the Environment
Starts at Home
Enjoy The
If no one gets outside to appreciate how amazing our planet is, we don't stand a chance at saving it
Planting native plants and trees is a great way for us to support our native wildlife
Reduce our
carbon footprint
Clean air is crucial for all of life on Earth to survive, helping to reduce carbon emissions plays a huge role in saving the planet
Reduce deforestation
Our forests contain countless habitat for wildlife, deforestation displaces and kills millions of animals every year.
Our Goals
We want to bring our program to as many school aged children as possible. Kids are some of the most powerful wildlife ambassadors in the world. By teaching the kids about our birds, we're inspiring them to enjoy the natural world in which we live.
So we're turning to local business's to help us fund this venture. With a small tax deductible donation, we can bring our birds to thousands of children around the state starting in the fall semester in 2021
Our goal is reach 30 schools in the central Virginia area during the fall semester
Thank You For Sponsoring Wildlife Education!

Save the Birds.